The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) is developing and deploying a capable exascale ecosystem to deliver breakthrough modeling and simulation solutions, providing insights and answers to the most critical US challenges in scientific discovery, energy assurance, economic competitiveness, and national security. The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Development Kit (xSDK) for the ECP (xSDK4ECP) is a project in the Software Technology component of the ECP.
The xSDK4ECP project is working to enable the seamless combined use of diverse, independently developed software packages as needed by ECP applications. We are extending draft xSDK package community policies and developing interoperability layers among numerical libraries in order to improve code quality, access, usability, interoperability, and sustainability. Focus areas of work are:
- coordinated use of on-node resources
- integrated execution (control inversion and adaptive execution strategies)
- coordinated and sustainable documentation, testing, packaging, and deployment.
The xSDK4ECP project team are developers of the following widely used numerical software packages:
- hypre
- SuperLU
- Trilinos
- dense linear algebra packages: MAGMA, PLASMA, DPLASMA, ScaLAPACK, LAPACK
We welcome contributions to the xSDK. See the FAQ page for information on contributing.